Delf Garth - Plot 3_

Dodworth, Barnsley

Client _

Mr and Mrs Fielding


Dodworth, Barnsley

Project Type _

Detached Dwelling

Budget _

Circa £300,000

Main Contractor _


Delf Garth is a cluster of 6 unique dwellings on a single site in Dodworth, Barnsley. The project was completed within a 12 month build programme and was designed by our director whilst working in a previous practice. 

A self-build in Barnsley that follows the strict design guidelines of a traditional style accompanied with contemporary detailing.

Plot 3 is a self-build and follows the strict design guidelines of a traditional style accompanied with contemporary detailing. To achieve this unique aesthetic, Plot 3 features stunning natural stone, large expenses of glazing and double height spaces to allow natural light to flood the property. We also incorporated elements of zinc and timber cladding to help segment and break up the elevations.