Client _
Mr + Mrs Nayyar
Project Type _
Budget _
Main Contractor _
The brief for this recently extended detached property was to create practical yet striking ground floor living accommodation. The room was to offer a relaxed lounge area as well as dining space but maintain a holistic aesthetic. This was achieved through the choice of colours and positioning of furniture and finishes.
Carpet was chosen for the lounge area to soften the appearance, distinguishing it from the dining area which was finished with a more practical timer-effect tile. Though the tactility of each floor finish is different and suitable for their intended use, the matching tones offer a visual continuity.
The sofa is positioned to frame the lounge area, physically separating it from the dining area, though careful consideration has been given to the size to ensure that it still appears open enough to prevent it cutting the two areas off from one another entirely.
A focal point has also been formed around the fireplace and offers good visibility into the garden.